The Harlequin Group Environmental Policy

1. The Harlequin Group Limited is committed to operate an Environmental Policy which conforms to all local, national and international legislation and directives with respect to employees customers and property.

We are sensitive to all environmental matters relating to the Company’s present and future operations.

All projects, present and future, will contain an appraisal to meet all the costs of an environmental risk appraisal, including restoration obligations on the closure or rationalisation of operations.

Prior to any acquisition, an environmental risk assessment (due diligence audit) will take place and become part of the project appraisal.

Our objective is to continually improve our environmental performance and achieve results significantly better than present legislative requirements.

2. HCE Ltd. will conform to generally accepted operational and environmental standards for the industry. It will also have regard to established codes of practice. A policy to ensure the continual update of all environmental legislation and requirements relating to its operations will be carried out. The aim will be the continual improvement of standards and maintenance of the conformance to legislative requirements.

3. HCE Ltd, in areas of potentially hazardous operations will carry out special assessments and precautions along with the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations to prevent any major accident or environmental infringement.

All waste disposal will be carried out by authorised registered companies in accordance with international, national and local regulations, with special regard to the duty of care requirements. No waste shall or will be disposed of from the Company’s sites without the authority of the appointed company environmental representative.

4. All new developments/projects will be fully assessed for any environmental effects and a register maintained.

5. Regular meetings of the Health, Safety and Environmental Committee, made up of all levels of staff, will take place at monthly intervals. Through these meetings and their Minutes, an early warning system will prevail, allowing the necessary steps to be taken to prevent or mitigate any environmental incident.

6. Through the Health, Safety and Environmental Advisor and the associated Committee, an Environmental Management programme will be developed, compliant with ISO 14001 and maintained to meet all the Company’s environmental requirements.

7. The Company will develop and implement a Community Relations programme. This will include site visits, information exposure within the local media and involvement with local community projects. The Company will promote and maintain a good working relationship with the Local Authority and all local environmental groups.
All community related complaints will receive immediate action through the appointed Environmental representative. All such complaints will be recorded and include actions taken and follow-up conclusions, assessment and corrective measures taken to ensure non-repetition of the incident.

8. Regular audits will be carried out to ensure that any environmental risk areas associated with the Company’s activities are being effectively and comprehensively addressed by the Company’s Environmental Policy.

9. All staff will be made aware of the Company’s Environmental Policy.

There will be a goal to develop a continuing education and training programme in every aspect of environmental protection for all Company employees.

10. For handling emergencies, the Company has a Crisis Management Plan, which will be updated every two years. It caters for periodic testing of the plan.

11. Regular reports on the Company’s performance in Environmental, Health and Safety matters including financial implications are prepared.

Action is taken to ensure that environmental performance of the company is continually improving

12. This Policy will be reviewed on a regular basis, but at least once a year.

The Company will:

1. Reduce exhaust pollutants from vehicles by operating all cars on unleaded fuel and by progressively fitting catalytic converters;

2. Seek to conserve the use of energy, water and paper and promote the use of recycled materials at its office, stores and depots.

3. Promote the highest standards of environmental performance and ensure that the company meets all relevant legislative requirements.

The supervisor/employee on site, or at place of work will be responsible for bringing to the notice of management any deficiency observed and for providing guidance, information and training.

Within the organisation, arrangements will be made to submit environmental reports and discuss environmental matters at Board Meetings, Safety & Environmental Management meetings, and within Safety Meetings held throughout the company. Continuous improvement is our goal.

Mr N Cheeseman is the Director responsible for the implementation of this policy, together with each supervisor within his or her own area of responsibility.

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