Health and Safety
The primary business conducted by The Harlequin Group. is provision of gangs and their equipment to Principal Contractors employed on road maintenance and general construction work. Generally these gangs are managed on sites jointly by the client’s staff and the Managing Director of The Harlequin Group.
Gangs are required to comply with the client’s health and safety rules whilst under the client’s control. However, this in no way absolves The Harlequin Group. of their responsibility for employee safety and health, therefore The Harlequin Group. have as required by legislation prepared this Safety and Health Policy and Management System for its business activities.
The Harlequin Group. recognises that commitment to health and safety has positive benefits to the organisation and good safety and health makes good business sense. The company also recognises that health and safety is a business function and must, therefore be considered along with all other aspects of the company business so that the company continually progresses and adapts to change in legislation and business needs.
The approach to health and safety will be based on the identification and control of risks through its Safety and Health Management Systems which apply to all activities conducted by The Harlequin Group.
The Managing Director shall ensure appropriate levels of resources are allocated to provide safety and healthy working within the organisation. A positive culture will be encouraged and this encouragement shall be actively supported by management.
This policy and Safety and Health Management System acknowledges the company’s responsibility to persons other than its own operatives, whether members of the public, operatives of Client etc. In the supply of organisation services, operation and maintenance of all equipment and materials, it is the aim of management to do everything possible to prevent personal injury and damage. To this end management will provide appropriate safety instructions and safety devices for all operatives wherever necessary.
In pursuit of the above The Harlequin Group undertakes to:
Conduct its operations within the constraints of existing health and safety law and be better than the law requires where practicable.
Ensure that clients are provided with manpower competent and aware of their responsibilities and procurement of resources (equipment) suitable for the work being undertaken.
Inform, train and supervise its workforce so that they continue to be competent.
Conduct work activities to the client’s reasonable instructions and comply with any special instructions / rules regarding safety and health ordered by the client.
Ensure that contractors, partners etc. follow the same safety and health principles whilst working for or with The Harlequin Group.
Safety and health are the highest priorities for The Harlequin Group. They are a natural part of management of the company. Safety and health will always be considered as part of the decision making process, and:
The management of The Harlequin Group. shall assume primary responsibility for safety and health.
Employees shall have a personal responsibility for safety and health.
The Harlequin Group. shall, as a minimum always fulfil the relevant legislation and rules relevant to its work. The company aims to be better in most areas.
The Harlequin Group. shall have good knowledge of safety and health issues relevant to its work activities and be committed to high standards of performance.
The company shall employ a competent Safety and Health Adviser (on a part time basis) to enable The Harlequin Group. to meet its commitment in the above paragraph.
The Harlequin Group. shall provide suitable resources for safety and health and ensure it uses industry best practice and equipment available in its operations.
The Harlequin Group. shall minimise risks by provision of necessary information, good working procedures, instruction and training of its employees inclusive of temporary employees.
Management shall discuss safety and health in an open and positive atmosphere within The Harlequin Group. Openness shall also be characterised by sharing information and co-operating with clients, the public, the authorities and other external stakeholders.
The Harlequin Group. shall regularly review and audit its Safety and Health Management Systems and strive for continual improvement.
The Harlequin Group. shall minimise risks by adopting safe work practices, provision of suitable equipment and necessary information, instruction and training of its employees inclusive of temporary employees.
The Harlequin Group. shall ensure incidents and accidents are immediately reported and investigated and risk assessments, procedures and methods reviewed in order to prevent recurrence of the incident.
The Harlequin Group. shall regularly review this policy and ensure that activities are performed according to the policy.
All employees are responsible for observing his policy and The Managing Director is responsible for ensuring the policy and procedures are reviewed and updated as necessary.
Harlequin Health & Safety Policy
Revision:1 -November 2004